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May 31, 2022Cyclothymia vs. Dysthymia
June 20, 2022Hypersomnia & Depression
There are a few types or levels of depression. However, changes in sleeping patterns or insomnia is often a common symptom of all of them. Hypersomnia is a form of irregular sleeping patterns, and it’s when a person feels constantly tired. The sensation of grogginess or irritability due to a lack of sleep, even if a person slept for eight hours or more, is often experienced by a person with the disorder. Are hypersomnia and depression associated with one another?
Does Depression Cause Hypersomnia?
Depression can cause excessive sleepiness. People with hypersomnia may feel as if they did not sleep at all during the night when they indeed received the necessary hours of rest their minds and bodies needed. Sleeping during the day may become frequent to overcome irritable restlessness. A disorder called idiopathic hypersomnia means a person will sleep more than 11 hours a day and struggle to get moving once they wake up from their long rest.
Hypersomnia caused by depression is common since both disorders can go hand in hand. Both are medical disorders that may be triggered by one another. Symptoms of depression and side effects of hypersomnia can include excessive sleeping or feeling foggy due to abnormal sleeping patterns. People may feel low energy, anxiety, and depressive episodes.
Hypersomnia Causes and Depression
What causes hypersomnia? The connection between the two disorders starts with the neurotransmitters in the brain. These chemicals affect mood, sleep, appetite, and other functions that happen in the brain and body. Norepinephrine has a stimulant effect, and serotonin produces feelings of happiness, and both can affect the amount of sleep a person receives. If a person acquires low levels of these neurotransmitters, then depressive episodes take place. Eventually, dopamine is dramatically affected, which stabilizes the reward receptors in the brain and can cause hypersomnia and depression.
Preventing Hypersomnia & Depression
Preventing depression and hypersomnia is possible by maintaining good health through proper diet and exercise. Trying new activities that are good for the mind and body and staying social in a positive manner can help a person struggling with these disorders. Showing kindness to others and yourself always is a good remedy to depression and provides a positive distraction.
Being aware of the causes of hypersomnia and depression can help avoid long-term health complications or emotional instability. Genetics, depression, other underlying conditions, chronic stress, and fluctuations in brain functioning may all contribute to these disorders.
Help at Our Florida Mental Health Treatment
If a loved one is showing signs of always feeling fatigued, low energy, and loss of motivation to enjoy the pleasures of life, then learning how to help someone in denial of mental illness could help. Finding the right mental health residential treatment program can save a person from long-term depressive disorders or feelings of irritability from hypersomnia.
At Banyan Mental Health, we offer unique programs like pet therapy and motivational interviewing. Speak to a specialist at 888-280-4763 and get started with treatment today!
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