About OCD Treatment
Many television shows and movies portray characters with OCD whose silly behaviors lead to big laughs from the audience. Although this disorder may be comical from the outside, for those suffering with this disorder, OCD is no laughing matter.
What Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD is a mental health disorder characterized by obsessive, exaggerated, and intrusive thoughts and fears that lead people to complete compulsive and repetitive behaviors with the belief that these actions will help reduce or stop their distress.
This type of thinking and behavior creates a vicious cycle, and if the compulsive behaviors are not completed, the person is likely to feel extreme distress. While many people may experience some irrational fears and complete some compulsive behaviors, the behaviors in OCD are usually so unwanted, extreme, and time-consuming that they severely impact the person’s life. Although OCD can manifest itself in different ways, symptoms will usually first appear in adolescence or early adulthood and may get worse or vary throughout a person’s lifetime. OCD cannot be cured completely, but treatment for OCD patients at a mood treatment center can drastically reduce symptoms.
Types of OCD Symptoms
There are two kinds of OCD symptoms: obsession symptoms and compulsion symptoms. While obsessive-compulsive disorder usually includes both sets of symptoms, some people may only experience one or the other. Obsessions are recurring and intrusive thoughts that lead to anxiety. Compulsions are actions people repeat to momentarily ease this anxiety. Individuals with OCD often don’t realize their obsessions and compulsions are excessive or unreasonable. In their mind, if they don’t perform this task or behavior, something bad will happen. Even if they know this isn’t true, they’ll still behave the same way. Constantly giving in to certain obsessions and compulsions can take up a great deal of time and interrupt their daily routine.
Obsession Symptoms
OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent, and unwanted thoughts that include urges or images that are intrusive, disturbing, or anxiety-inducing. These obsessions most often occur when you’re trying to concentrate or do something.
Common OCD obsession symptoms include:
- Fear of contamination or dirt
- Self-doubt
- Difficulties coping with uncertainty or lack of control
- Needing things to be orderly, symmetrical, and organized
- Aggressive or terrifying thoughts about hurting yourself or others
- Unwanted thoughts that are aggressive, sexual, or religious
Compulsion Symptoms
OCD compulsions are repetitive behaviors you feel like you must perform. These behaviors are done to reduce anxiety and “prevent” something bad from happening. However, engaging in these compulsions usually only provides temporary relief.
People who portray compulsion symptoms may create certain rules or rituals to help control their anxiety when they don’t have obsessive thoughts. Compulsions are often excessive, unnecessary, and unrelated to the issue the person is trying to fix.
Common compulsions include:
- Washing and cleaning
- Checking (time, appliances to make sure they’re off, lights, phone, etc.)
- Counting
- Neatness
- Following a strict routine
- Demanding and requiring reassurance
Symptoms of OCD can worsen over time, especially if you don’t receive OCD treatment. The effects of OCD often include relationship problems, financial issues, difficulty maintaining employment, physical evidence of compulsive behaviors (like damaged skin from frequent washing), and more. If you or someone you know has OCD, Banyan Mental Health can help.
What Causes OCD in The Brain?
Understanding what can cause OCD is crucial to identifying this condition in yourself and others and finding the appropriate treatment. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder causes are not fully understood. However, there are several theories.
Below are some common obsessive-compulsive disorder causes:
- Learned behaviors that are associated with anxiety
- Genetics (OCD is believed to be hereditary)
- Chemical, structural, and functional abnormalities in the brain
- Distorted beliefs that reinforce and maintain OCD symptoms
The biological causes of OCD and the possibility of it being hereditary have been shown in several studies but have yet to be confirmed. Genes only appear to be partly responsible for OCD. As with other mental disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder can be caused by a combination of things, from a family history of mental illness to learned behaviors.
Signs Someone Needs OCD Treatment
OCD will be different for everyone, but there are some traits and behaviors that are common among those who struggle with this disorder.
Signs and symptoms of OCD to look for include:
- Organizing and arranging items so everything is in its place
- Cleaning & extreme sanitation practices to combat a fear of germs
- Constant checking to reduce the chances of harming themselves or others
- Repeating behaviors, words, or activities multiple times in a row to ease distress
- Mentally review events to avoid harm
- Affinity for “good,” “right,” or “safe” words or numbers
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment
As an OCD and anxiety treatment center, we offer OCD treatment designed to mitigate and drastically reduce these symptoms so that patients can lead a more normal life. Treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder usually includes both medication as well as mental health therapies to see real improvement. OCD therapy may include teaching patients how to break down destructive thought patterns and exposure therapy. Our experienced staff will determine the best course of action for the individual and modify their treatment program frequently to meet their changing needs. With a small staff to patient ratio, our team will get to know each patient on an individual level so that the patient has the greatest chance of success in their recovery.
OCD may also be one of many mental health or behavioral health problems that an individual is facing. To help patients improve their overall quality of life, our staff will complete a full assessment before treatment begins so that the patient’s treatment plan addresses all of their problems at play. Because mental health disorders can often lead to substance abuse problems, we are also a dual diagnosis treatment center.
Whether you are looking for OCD treatment for yourself or help with depression for a loved one, at Banyan Mental Health we have the tools and resources necessary to help our patients regain control of their lives. If you or a loved one needs help, contact us today at (877) 360-1639.
- American Psychiatry Association https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/obsessive-compulsive-disorder/what-is-obsessive-compulsive-disorder
- WebMD https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/obsessive-compulsive-disorder
- IOCDF https://iocdf.org/about-ocd/what-causes-ocd/
- Medical News Today https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/obsession-vs-compulsion
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