Everyone experiences hardships in their life, but some people may be exposed to more traumatic events than others. Coping with these experiences on your own can be challenging, but PTSD treatment may be able to help.

What Is PTSD?

PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. It is common after people experience trauma in their lives to suffer symptoms because of that trauma. While everyone is likely to have some adverse reactions, when these symptoms are severe and last more than a month, it is considered PTSD. In some cases, PTSD may also be delayed, and symptoms can first develop even years after the traumatic experience.

Symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social isolation
  • Mood swings
  • Flashbacks to the traumatic event
  • Nightmares about past trauma
  • Avoidance of people or places that remind them of trauma

These PTSD symptoms can range in severity and some people may find it easier to move past them than others. Typically because PTSD can be tied to other mental health problems like anxiety disorders or depression, it is better to get help at a mental health facility that can work on the person’s overall mental health.

PTSD Treatment in South Florida

The first step for treatment of PTSD is developing a PTSD treatment plan that meets the specific needs of the individual and their issues. In some cases, PTSD may be accompanied by other mental health disorders that need to be addressed as well. Our staff will do a full clinical assessment of the individual to determine the best course of action for their time with us.

Treatment for PTSD may include both medication as well as psychotherapy depending on the individual’s needs. Patients in any level of care at our PTSD treatment facility will not only participate in group and individual therapy to inspect their problems, but also partake in various mental health therapies to ensure that they get the full scope of treatment for comprehensive healing. Some programs may focus on changing a person’s thinking while others may inspect the root causes of these problems. Everyone is unique, so some programming may be more beneficial for some people than others. As treatment continues, our staff will determine what is most successful as well as the areas of progress that are lacking and how to approach them. Our trauma treatment center also offers small staff to client ratios to ensure that no patient is neglected and everyone gets the time and attention they need to see true progress in their recovery.

In some cases, PTSD may also be accompanied with drug or alcohol abuse as well. Many people will turn to these substances to try and escape or to self-medicate their pain. When this type of coping becomes habitual, their substance use can quickly develop into dependence and an addiction. If this is the case, we are also a dual diagnosis treatment center, so we can help these patients work through their PTSD while also overcoming their substance abuse. Patients will also learn new coping techniques so they learn not to rely on these substances for support.

PTSD can be debilitating, but it shouldn’t be something that you or your loved one has to live with forever. Our Florida PTSD treatment center can help you or someone you care about learn to manage and even move past these symptoms. If you are ready to start working toward a brighter future, contact us today.